Sunday Bible Study
On Sunday Mornings @ 9:45CT there are Bible Study groups for all age groups. (Nursery/Preschool, Children, Youth & Adults. All classes meet in the Fellowship Hall.
Worship Service
Our Weekly Worship Service is held every Sunday Morning @ 11:00am CT. This service includes a time of worship led by Tim Simpson which features a blend of contemporary and traditional music along with special music. Our pastor, Jim Gilboy presents a message that God has laid on his heart for our congregation! We invite anyone to join us for this time of Praise and Worship!
Wednesdays @ HBC
Wednesdays are very active @ HBC! Our Children meet for CPW (Children's Praise & Worship), the Youth get together for group study and games and the Adults have Prayer Meeting/Group Study, led by Bro. Jim. There is a snack supper each week for the Children & Youth.
Ladies Bible Study
& Fellowship
The HBC Ladies, young and old, meet to celebrate birthdays when schedules permit. We have a Ladies Small Group that meets each Monday @ 10:00 am CT. Studies that are chosen run generally 6-8 consecutive weeks.
Adults On Mission
Adults on Mission(AOM) is a group of HBC adults that take care of the needs of our church and community. They meet once each month to plan fundraisers and activities. Each Saturday they open the HBC Flea Market, located on Blanding Road real close to the church, which sells donated items at a very affordable price. Not only does AOM meet the benevolent needs of our congregation but also helps a large number of other mission organizations. This group is led by Janie Lane.
Music Ministry
The music ministry @ HBC leads worship each Sunday morning and for special events. The children work on special music during CPW on Wednesday nights and the Worship Choir prepares special music on Sunday afternoon practice - look for the schedule of these practices/events on the EVENTS PAGE.
YOUTH Ministry
The Youth Group at HBC (JOURNEY) meets for group study each Sunday and Wednesday. They also plan an outing each month -ie. hiking, movies, community service. They also take trips to conferences and camps during the summer or other times. Journey is led by Jenni Stone.
There are many other opportunities to be involved @ HBC: Vacation Bible School, Monthly Church Family Breakfast, Quarterly Sunday Lunch, Church Olympics, Popcorn and a Movie, Revivals and many more - Keep a check on the EVENTS PAGE for more info!!!