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About  Us....


Meet our Pastor...

Rev. Jim Gilboy has been at HBC over 20 years. He graduated from Florida Baptist Theological Seminary in 2003. Bro. Jim has been married to his lovely wife Vonnie for 39 years. They have three children: Paul Anthony who is married to Angel and they have 2 children - Austin and Kendal. Edie is married to Justin Shephard and they have three children - Elizah, Ethan and Evelyn. Emily is married to Vinson Mathews and they have two sons - Chase and Mason.

Meet our Worship Leader...


Adults on Mission Director...

Janie Lane organizes the mission activities at HBC through Adults on Mission (AOM). Janie has been at HBC for over 20 years where she has worked in the HBC Flea Market, taught Adult Sunday School, sings in the Worship Choir, worked with Youth and served on numerous committees. Janie and her husband Allen have been married for over 40 years. They have two children: their son Wes is married to Kimberly and they have two sons David & Dylan, and their daughter Stacey is married to Hunter White. 

Childrens Ministry Director...

Mary King loves children!! She has attended HBC for over 20 years and organizes all the events for the HBC kids: teaches Bible Study, leads Childrens Praise and Worship (CPW) on Wednesday nights and other events. Mary also serves as the Church Finance Secretary and works weekly in the HBC Flea Market. Mary has been married to her husband Earl for over 48 years and they have two children: Shannon is married to Bryan Kuhlman and they have six children-PJ, Savannah, Logan, Sierra, Shiloh and Shelby. her son, Charles is married to Katherine. She just recently became a "Great-Grandmother".

Youth Ministry/Sound Technician

Justin Shephard has been attending HBC since 2009. Justin works with our youth on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights and monthly events. Justin has been married to his lovely wife, Edie for 15 years and they have three children: Elizah, Ethan and Evelyn. Justin also handles the sound and video for the Sunday worship services.

Keyboard, Piano...

Catherine Graham  has attended HBC since she was a small child. She grew up at HBC as a child, youth and now worships there with her family. Catherine (Cat) started singing and playing piano as a child and has been an instrumentalist and member of the Worship Choir since high school. Cat has been married to Steve Graham for over 34 years and they have one son: Brandt.

Piano, Keyboard...

Pam Simpson  started attending HBC when she was a child. She grew up in HBC as a child and youth singing, playing piano and organ until leaving for college. Pam met her husband Tim(Our Worship Leader) in college and they began ministering in churches where they lived. They moved back to HBC when they began to have a family and have been here for over 25 years. Tim and Pam have two children: One daughter, Angela, who is married to Bubba Copeland they have three children, and one son, Jonathan, who is married to Bridgette and they have one daughter.


Media/Sound Technician

Elizah Shephard  has been attending HBC since she was 18 months old. She is homeschooled and is a member of our Youth Group. Elizah records the worship services to put on Facebook and helps with sound. Elizah has a brother, Ethan and sister, Evelyn and is the daughter of Edie & Justin Shephard and granddaughter of our pastor, Jim Gilboy.

Bro. Tim Simpson has been at HBC over 20 years. Tim leads our worship services and directs the Worship Choir while also serving as a deacon. Tim has been married to his wife Pam for 35 years. They have two children: Angela is married to Bubba Copeland and they have three children - Carter, AbbyKate and Ally. Jonathan is married to Bridgette and they have one daughter, Everly Blake.

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